v0.3 Patch Notes

patch notes are here!

major changes

  • title change to Monstery Dungeon!
  • 2-column format for most of the rules!
  • the four Effectiveness tiers have been reduced down to three. There came an issue where the difference between old Effective and old Ineffective was too little, so i decided to merge them together.
    • Minimal has been removed.
    • new Effective is now 10-15.
    • new Ineffective is now 9 or lower.
  • Saves may have a different target number other than 10, rather than always being 10.
  • added FOCUS, a substat for Cognition. It’s similar to REACT where it’s a die that is more effective the higher Cognition is.
  • added Determination (DT), a narrative health pool that can be spent for better Effectiveness in activities.
  • added Skillsets. Forms and Niches have been altered and now have Skillsets exclusive to each, which are intended for players to create what they want their character to be good and bad at.
    • Form functions and Niche approaches have been removed.
  • added Bonds, which are social narrative options for PCs to get more involved in the narrative. it’s still rather rudimentary though.
  • added Special States affected by character HP or DT, like Injured (half HP or less).
  • new basic action: Brace (basic reaction). Threaten (basic reaction) has been changed to a reaction ability.
  • new abilities:
  • Melee: Speen, Strongarm, Twin Strike, Wide Slash, Double-Edge, Brutal Critical, Endeavor.
  • Ranged: Corrode, Stalagmite, Immolate, Tempest, Calamity, Discharge, Drain, Micromissiles.
  • Utility: Energize, Recharge, Yoink, Kinetick, Shimmer, Convert, Polar Shift
  • (new! wow!) Reaction abilities: Bloom, Threaten, Shield, Camouflage, Luck Trade, Vengeance, M-T Field.
  • Dungeon Mentors are the new term for DMs.
  • new Treasures: Element Stabilizer, Friendship Bracelet, Timbs Lumberyard Boots.
  • added a Combat Cheat Sheet to the appendix.

minor changes

  • codified the Concepts and Elements a bit better.
  • added complications that interact with DT.
  • Move (basic action) can now move to any of your team’s positions, rather than adjacent.
  • ability reactions do not decay REACT dice, only basic reactions do.
  • added Complexity, an at-a-glance guide to inform how complicated an ability is.
  • added Aftereffects and Priority as keywords.
  • added end turn priority to some status effects.
  • renamed the debuff Fragile→Vulnerable.
  • personality is now a more codified set of motivations and temperaments. changed the temperaments Save Your Brave→Heroic and The Chuckler→Goofball.
  • added MAXDT scaling to character progression.
  • renamed Chomp→Bite (??? idk why ???), Flash Freeze→Freeze, Psionic Warp→Psio Shock, Cleansing Pulse→Cleansing Spark, Embody the Dragon→Cloudscend, Healing Pulse→Healing Spark, Drench→Shimmer
  • the reaction ability Interject has been reworked into the basic reaction Brace.
  • changed the secret room 2d12 to a d10.
  • renamed Treasures: Cleansing Spray→Cleanspray
  • changed some NPCs’ ability lists.
  • misc text changes to clarify wording. some sections have been rearranged to read better.


Monstery Dungeon v0.3.pdf 1.4 MB
4 days ago

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